SAS books for sale

1982 SAS Ref 1982 SAS book 1982 SAS book 1983 SAS book 1983 SAS book 1984 SAS book 1985 SAS book 1985 SAS book 1985 SAS book 1985 SAS book 1985 SAS book 1986 SAS book 1987 SAS book 1987 SAS book 1988 SAS book 1991 SAS book 1992 SAS book 1992 SAS book 1993 SAS user

List of SAS books:
SAS Reference Card, 1982
SAS User's Guide: Basics, 1982 Edition (2 copies)
SAS/FSP Users Guide, 1982 Edition
SAS VIEWS: SAS Basics, 1983 (2 copies)
SAS VIEWS: SAS Processing, 1983 (2 copies)
SAS Companion for OS Operating Systems and TSO, 1984 Edition
SAS/FSP Users Guide, 1985, Version 5 Edition
SAS User's Guide: Basics, 1985, Version 5 Edition
SAS Guide to VSAM Processing, 1985, Version 5 Edition
SAS User's Guide / Statistics, 1985, Version 5 Edition
SAS Introductory Guide, 1985, 3rd Edition
SAS Guide to Macro Processing, 1986, Version 5 Edition
SAS Application Guide, 1987 Edition (2 copies)
SAS Guide to Tabulate Processing, 1987 Edition
SAS Guide to Problem Solving and Error Messages, 1988
SAS Language and Procedures, 1991, Version 6 First Edition
SQL Processing with the SAS System, 1992, Couse Notes
Advanced SAS Programming Techniques and Efficiencies, 1992, Course Notes
Sas Users Group Directory, 1993, water damaged

SAS VIEWS: SAS Processing, 1983 Edition,
has a 2 page addendum included, and 2 pages of 'corrected output'.
It also has a few written notes in it, it was used in a class.

These books are heavy, most in excellent condition.
Email me if interested; make an offer.

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