If you know who did any of these songs
or what there proper name is,
then please contact me;
my email address is at the bottom of this page.
1. .mp3, duration 3:40, 2.6MB, 96kbps
This unknown song was copied from a discarded non-production CD,
it had no meta-data or identifying information.
A search by Shazam failed in August 2024;
this often happens with vinyl recordings that were never re-released in digital format,
but I do not believe that this recording is that old.
I did extensive google and youtube searches on the lyrics that I could discern,
these also failed.
4. Fly Me To The Moon, by 101 Strings: can anyone identify the female vocalist ?
Album: Hit Sounds New and Old, Alshire S-5306-B, 1974 ?